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Historical Photos of Olds and the Surrounding Area:


The Victoria Hotel. (Photo taken the first week the hotel was completed.) The brick and cement used in construction was hauled from Calgary and all work was done by hand. The group of men in the photograph worked on construction. The photograph belonged to George Smith, Mildred (Smith) Haynes’ uncle who gave it to her.


The Olds Fair of 1943. A display of Farm Machinery.


Olds school children (1893). Mrs. James Marshall, the first teacher in Olds, is on the left side between the door and window, dressed in white. This school building was located on the Silverthorn homestead. In 1903 the building became the Olds Baptist Church.


Bank of Montreal on the NW corner of 50 Avenue and 51 Street. Louis Benedek got the major portion of the bricks from this building which was torn down about 1946. With them he built the shoe shop, front building and living quarters attached to the shoe shop. Louis, his son and his daughter cleaned all of the 34,000 bricks. The walls between the living quarters and the shoe shop were built with 2 layers of bricks.


The Olds baseball team (1912). From Left to Right: (back) E. Saunders, Herb Samis, Matthew Maybank, A.H Mann; (middle) Ralph Cutten, H.Petersen, Bill Bruce, Joe Girding; (front) Lawrence Walkley, Frank Brower.


The official "turn on" of natural gas in Olds on October 4th 1956. (L-R): Dr. J.M Harvey, Cliff Sturgeon, Charles Becker, George Richards, J.E McLeod, George Urquart, Gordon Bussard, O.R Hedges, Wes Street, Ralph Maybank, Harry Taggart, John Currie, H.McPhail, Ted Miller, and Jack Wilks.


A tractor stuck in the mud. Eric Jensen, an unnamed boy, and Hans Jensen are surveying the situation. Taken in Eagle Hill, 1948.

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Third Street West, Olds.

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Railway Avenue (now 50th Avenue) Olds. Taken about 1910.

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A crew unloading oil drilling equipment from the railway flat decks to horse drawn wagons. Taken 1914.

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Log Cabin West of Olds Circa 1902

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Adoniram W. Samis with Herb A. Samis (his brother) on the H.A Samis homestead (NE 22-33-1-5). Taken September 5, 1932.

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Commerce Building which housed the Imperial Bank of Commerce. Now known as "Pandora's Booxs and Tea."

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Eric Espersen and Viggo Juul are standing on a tractor pulling a plow. The plow is breaking virgin land. Behind the tractor and plos is bush. Taken in 1930 (At Eric Espersen's place).

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Alberta Government Telephone Company Building. Now the Mountain View Museum and Archives.

Main Street - Olds, Alberta, Canada - Drug and Hardware Stores

Main Street in Olds, now known as 50th Street.


Olds First Fire Station. Circa 1905.


Neighborhood housing the Craig homes and the Methodist Church which is now the United Church.


Olds Public School, 1910. This building was demolished in 1930.


Craig House


Olds Transfer Co. The barn and horses were owned and operated by Tom Leeder. In later years Dunc McLean operated this business.

Mountain View Museum And Archives

5038 50 St, Olds, AB T4H 1P6 (Map It!)

Mailing Address:
Olds Historical Society
P.O. Box 3882 Olds, AB, Canada T4H 1P6



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